International powers have realized for decades that the birth of the Horn of Africa with an American vision will only be achieved through Khartoum. In the American strategy, Sudan is the center and its geographical neighbors are the peripheries after securing them. Washington found in the post-Bashir era the opportunity to reproduce a stage in which the interests of its opponents clash. It “Washington” does not want a real civilian rule in Sudan, and it draws a line for new Sudanese relations with the African and regional environment. As for Israel, Sudan has never been neglected, absent, or forgotten from the Israeli imagination, but rather a present that Tel Aviv longs to live, and a future that is strengthened and supportive of its security strategy in Africa for the twenty-first century. There is no more valuable opportunity than that opportunity in which Tel Aviv listens from the heart of Khartoum to a voice seeking its friendship, even if it is shy. The new Sudan aspires to regain its role as a pivotal player in the Horn of Africa. How could it not, when it is easy and impossible if it wants to be and difficult and impossible if it decides to be so? But today it is facing a difficult test that it has not been familiar with for decades after it found itself an arena in which international powers compete using all their tools to determine the players’ line. Sudan today is like a spear between the heads of spears, and I fully realize that Sudan is aware that some of those heads have someone who moves them, as they are heads without senses that guide them to the paths of peace. The bet remains on the extent of Khartoum’s readiness for the next stage at this critical moment in the nation’s life.
Soudan et le chevauchement des lances

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